You know how sometimes a person would love to make an art purchase but can’t afford it? I have been in that position. The art that I could relate to was so out of my reach financially. There’s that old adage, if you can’t afford it, make it yourself. So that’s what I eventually did.
I’ve done that with a lot of things. I even cut my own hair. Of course, it does help that in the past, I was a hair stylist. I know the angles. It was very creative work.
Later, I got an Associate Degree in Interior Design. Again, it was creative work.
It’s interesting how life changes what you do and who you think you are. A terrible case of plantar fasciitis had me off my feet for a very long time. I’m not good at being idle so I began to draw and experiment with paint. If I wasn’t laid up, I probably would not have done that.
I love to be creative. I use techniques I learned in the past to create the mixed media pieces you will see as you scroll. I hope you like it.
FYI: I now understand why art is costly.